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Политика конфиденциальности
HAMMAM Moroccan fairy Tale-VIP

Leisurely, charming Spa program "Moroccan fairy Tale" is abundant with its spicy subtle smells, Oriental bliss and sensuality, super high-quality 100% natural organic cosmetics and powerful relaxing effect.

HAMMAM Spa for moms

Are you the owner of the  Proudenst Title of the Land?

Are you a  mom?

HAMMAM Berber Hammam + aroma massage

Berber Hammam + aroma massage
Berber Hammam and Aroma massage are splendid procedures if you want to relax and reboot. The first part of this program takes place in Hammam, followed by a full body aroma …

HAMMAM Berber Hammam

The procedure in the Hammam carried out from natural materials from Morocco.

Argon oil (black soap from Argan olive for the soapy massage) and volcanic clay (highly effective natural remedies), have powerful healing virtue.

HAMMAM Turkish Hammam

In the Our Hammam, you can just enjoy the heat and steam, and may take high-impact procedures such as different types of scrubbing, peeling and soapy massage.

HAMMAM Moroccon SPA Hammam - VIP program

Moroccan Spa Hammam is a Miracle procedure, without exaggeration 3 hours of treatment = three days of vacation!

HAMMAM Spa for two. Spa for couples.

Relationships, Love, romance, passion need to be nurtured.
Spa for a couple is a romantic program for a couple.

HAMMAM Beauty - Spa Hammam for women. VIP

The program "Beauty" is created for Women and girls, when renewal, deep relaxation and recharge are needed as a breath of fresh air.

HAMMAM Steaming and peeling Standart

The basic program in the hammam, consisting of steaming and peeling, has the advantage of low cost and short duration.

HAMMAM Hammam Antistress for men

Spa program "Hammam Antistress" is designed specifically for men, it combines a technique, releasing the nervous system, as well as a profound training of the muscles of the neck, back and feet.

HAMMAM Hammam for sultans

The life of a real man is filled by controlling, conquest and stress ... and sometimes he is so eager to have someone with the right knowledgeable of gentle caring and relaxing to help him unload …

HAMMAM Girls party

Spend time with friends fun and benefit can be in the salon Rakuena SPA club.

We invite you to a Spa bachelorette party!

HAMMAM Salt room

Recreation area Hammam is performed with salt blocks.

HAMMAM Additional care

Additional facial, hand and foot treatments complete the procedure of renewal and rejuvenation as a cherry on top of the cake.

SPA Spa Детокс по Малайскі

Спа програма" Детокс по малайскі" направлена на корекцію фігури, боротьбу с целюлітом, зменшення об'ємів тіла та глибокий детокс.

SPA Спа Олива и Базилік

Магічна алхімія тосканської оливи та натурального дрібнозмеленого базиліка дарує приголомшливий відпочинок і шовковисту шкіру після процерури.

SPA Spa program Coconut Paradise

Spa program on raw organic coconut oil (RAW ORGANIC) - a great procedure for relaxation, skin care, body and Soul.

Coconut oil has been valued since ancient times, because coconut oil is a faithful assistant to …

SPA Deluxe Chocolate Spa

Deluxe Chocolate Spa - чудова Спа програма з величезною кількістю користі, задоволення, розслаблення і припливу сил!

SPA Догляд за обличчям шовковими коконами

Спа програма догляду за обличчям шовковими коконами і Spa масаж - потужна програма омолодження і розслаблення.

SPA Spa " Strawberry Yogurt"

Yogurt and fruits are useful not only when taken orally, but they are also useful for our skin - for hydration and nutrition.

Spa program "Strawberry Yogurt" is a procedure of deep hydration and nutrition of …

SPA Hair removal wax

Woman are attracted to men who take care of their body and their appearance. That is a fact. 
Smooth back and chest just add to you more sexual appealing and attraction.  

SPA Спа для вагітних

Холістичний масаж для вагітних жінок і молодих мам.

Вагітність - це прекрасний і дивний стан жінки, але і в той же час дуже складний як в фізичному, а особливо в емоційному плані.

Massage Types of Massage

Massage is what everyone needs, regardless of age. Massage Kiev heals, restores, relieves pain, improves skin condition, removes the effects of stress, makes health better.

Massage Back massage

Back massage is a necessary procedure, both for prevention and elimination of unpleasant back pain, muscle tightening and spasms.

Massage Cervical-collar massage

Practically every person who leads a sedentary lifestyle (office, car, computer) suffers from the tension of the muscles of the shoulders and neck.

Massage Classical health improving

It is an activeway to improve the health, to keep the normal activity of the organizm, to prevent sicknesses.

Massage Anti-cellulite, Vacuum and roller massage

In its part each type of the mentioned above types is divided into forestart, restoring and rehabilitation masage.
Forestart massage is carried out before training or a competition. The main purpose is to prepare neuromuscular apparatus, …

Massage Aroma massage

As a result metabollic process becomes slower, toxines and slags accumulate, blood circulation and lymph flow become worse, a man starts feeling inner discomfort and tiredness - our body starts getting older. 

Massage Anti- cellulite treatments

We propose the fastest way to get rid of the hateful cellulite.

Massage Choko масаж

Спа процедура задоволення та розслаблення.

Massage Anti-stress Spa Massage

Anti-stress massage is necessary for all residents of the metropolis, because every day we are exposed to a huge amount of mental, physical and psychological pressure.

Massage Lomi Lomi

Lomi Lomi is a special sacred Hawaiian full body massage. There is a belief that Lomi Lomi grants wishes. 

Massage Ритуал гарячою ароматичною свічею

Спа масаж "Ритуал гарячою ароматичною свічею" - вишукана процедура для гурманів, які люблять незвичайні відчуття.

Massage Spa stone massage

SABAI SPA stonetherapy - is the massage by warm stones using a black granite, zincite, malachite and nature aroma oils.

Massage Терапія спини Сушумна

Дуже ефективна методика для усунення больових відчуттів в спині.

Терапевтичний ефект настає відразу ж, після процедури.

Massage Інтенсивний масаж з глибокою обробкою

Відмітна особливість - дуже глибока силова опрацювання всіх м'язів.

Massage Lymphatic drainage massage

Лімфодренажний масаж - швидка допомога при набряках, тяжкості в ногах, целюліті і поганому самопочутті.

Massage Foot массаж

Неймовірно приємна спа процедура "Масаж стоп".

Масаж стоп можна замовити як доповнення до будь-якої програми.

Massage Індійський масаж обличчя і голови

Індійський масаж обличчя і голови - релакс техніка для зняття напруги з м'язів обличчя, поліпшення кровопостачання, зняття розумової і психічної навантаження.
