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Политика конфиденциальности
Spa for two. Spa for couples.

Relationships, Love, romance, passion need to be nurtured.
Spa for a couple is a romantic program for a couple.

Романтичне спа для пари
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n order that feelings to each other did not fade with time when there is a peak of love, but on the contrary, deepened, expanded, and you become closer and more important to each other, the relationship must be carefully nourished together experienced bright positive emotions. Spa for two is perfect for this purpose.

Take your time and go to a beautiful place.

Spa salon with the right beautiful interior is ideal for these purposes, because in addition to aesthetic experiences, you will get tactile from touching your body, as well as enjoying the spicy scents of aroma oils, live candle fire and gentle soft music will immerse you in a very special atmosphere of sensual experiences.

We offer you a choice of Spa programs for a couple:


  • VIP program "Love is.." - 2.4 hours. 
  • SPA massage + Cocoon peeling, 1 hour 40 min. 
  • Romantic Spa for two - " SPA Hammam + massage with coconut oil" 3 hours
SPA Hammam + coconut oil massage:

1. A joint visit  to the Hamam.

You will be located on two warm marble tables next to each other. Warm wet steam, skillful hands of our sensitive specialists will relax the body and remove the accumulated anxiety and tension.

2. Steaming with eucalyptus black Moroccan soap.

Moroccan black Beldi of olives and eucalyptus softens the upper layer of the epidermis, so that the layer of dead skin cells, is removed gently and carefully.

3. Delicate and deep exfoliation, Moroccan glove  Kessen.

4. Soap massage.

Huge air foam of 100% natural olive soap is applied to the whole body. You are in a warm soapy cloud, basking in pleasure...

The foam is  used for a full body massage.

5. Flushing of the foam, the contrasting passages of the bowls.

6. Rest.

Tea drinking in the recreation area among a large number of soft pillows and candles with treats jam, raisins and dates.

7. Spa ritual "Foot Massage" with herbs.

While drinking tea, feet are immersed in a copper basin with a freshly brewed infusion of herbs, and after being done with a nice massage to foot massage.

8. Spa massage with coconut oil.

After the foot massage and tea we will take you to the massage room, where there are two massage tables. In the atmosphere of subdued light, pleasant music, candles and roses you will be given a full body massage with natural coconut oil.

The unique properties of coconut oil obtained by cold pressing have been known since ancient times.

Coconut oil is initially solid, under the influence of body temperature, it melts, literally in seconds softening, saturating and nourishing the skin.

Coconut oil is the best moisturizer, as it contains hyaluronic acid, as well as antioxidants and other fatty saturated acids. It rejuvenates the skin and smells delicious, resembling a chocolate bounty)).

Duration of SPA massage with coconut oil 60 min. 

Duration Spa for two 3 hours and the price  - 6840 UAH for two people.

Spa for couples - " SPA massage + facial massage with silk cocoons"

This Spa program takes place in a specially prepared for a couple Spa room, with two massage tables. Two specialist perform this program. 


Spa Program consists of:

1. Spa full body massage, duration 1 hour

2. Anti-aging face care therapy " Cocoon peeling"

Amazing face care "Cocoon peeling" performed by natural cocoons of silkworm.

Massage cocoons silk cocoons - this is the most modern and natural way to preserve the radiance of the skin for many years.

Anti-aging beauty ritual with  silk cocoons instantly transform the face, after such care the skin becomes smooth, taut and young.

The ritual of face care is suitable for both women and men, but if a man does not want to, instead of the ritual Cocoon peeling for men will do a facial and head Massage, lasting 40 minutes.

Anti-aging care "Cocoon peeling" consists of:

- face cleansing,

- the application of Moroccan orange Beldy,

- massage with cocoons of silkworm,

- lifting the mask on the face,

- facial massage with Moroccan argan oil

The result of the program Cocoon peeling + Spa massage:
  • the incredible lightness,
  • appeasement,
  • gorgeous toned and radiant face,
  • after the procedure, you will both be beautiful and rested!

The duration of  the Spa program 1 hour and 30 min. Cost 4100 UAH for two people.

Spa for two. VIP Program " LOVE is..."

Spa program for two takes place in the Hammam + Massage Ritual of Hot Candles in the massage room.

VIP Program " LOVE is..."
The program includes:

1. Visit the Hammam decorated with rose petals.

You will be comfortably seated on two warm marble tables inside the Hammam, specially decorated with rose petals for your arrival.

Warm gentle steam will penetrate into every cell of the body, cleansing and relaxing.

2. Vanilla body scrub.

Two of our SPA specialists will carry out body scrubbing with a special scrub of micro-granules of vanilla and boron - Boron Sands. Cleansing and saturation of the skin with phytocomponents with moisturizing effect + aromatherapy effect of odors that awaken sensuality, set up for a romantic wave of bliss and pleasure.

3. Soap massage.

Oh, what incredible is the  pleasure of lying in clouds of  warm foam...

After applying the foam, a relaxing soft massage of the whole body is done.

4. Contrasting straits water of bowls.

Alternation on the body of the hot, cold water always causes a lot of pleasant emotions and smiles in our guests. Such a contrasting alternation not only strengthens the vessels, but energetically cleanses and heals.

5. Malaysian body Wrap from Cocoa Beans.


The aroma of warm real bitter chocolate on the whole body stimulates the production of endorphins. The mask from Malasiyan cacao beans perfectly nourishes the skin, making it smooth and elastic.

6. Champagne spray. Romantic champagne pouring in the Hammam.

7. Rest. Tea party.

Treat herbal tea with jam and dates and champagne))).

8. Foot massage with warm stones.

9. Ritual "Body Massage with  hot candles".

From the Hammam area you move to the Spa room where aromatherapy massage  with hot candles will be done.

This massage is magical and very-very pleasant.

The scented candle is lit and warm wax based on coconut and almond oil flows down on the body, causing a delightful sensation.

On warm wax - oil Spa massage is done on  the whole body.

Duration of massage 60 - 90 min. 

The duration of the VIP Spa program for two  is 3 hours. The cost for two people 7290 UAH.

P.S. Для щастя насправді потрібно не багато - присутність і щасливі очі вашої Половинки. Подаруйте Вашій Любові Подарунковий Сертифікат на Спа для двох.

Спа для двоих. Прекрасным подарком вашим друзьям или самим себе будет спа программа для двоих или как еще называт ее Спа для пары. Это особенная спа программа для двоих, специально созданная и продуманная для мужчины и женщины.
Чудо процедуруды в хамаме, спа массажи - где вы будете только вдвоем обновят ваши отношения, поднимут настроение и нежность чуств.
Спа для двоих - это прекрасный отдых во время которого приятные ощущения от спа массажей и спа программ в хаммаме наполнят ваши отношения и чувства свежестью, яркостью, романтикой и нежностью.
Ваши отношения достойны того, чтобы о них заботиться и удобрять как прекрасный цветок. Романтическое Спа для пары - это самый лучший подарок вашей любви.
А " Спа для двоих" - лучший помощник в этом!
Подарочный сертификат. Спа для двоих. Спа для пары.
Предалагаем попробовать Спа для двоих, а также Спа программу - Спа шоколад или Фруктовое Спа. Купите подарочный сертификат у нас на выбор есть самые разные программы Спа.
Когда ваши друзья спросят, что вам подарить на годовщину свадьбы - попросите подарочный сертификат в спа салон и закажите программу Спа для двоих.
Как часто так бывает, наши влюбленные, посетив программу Спа для двоих, после этого покупают своим друзьям подарочный сертификат на Спа программу для пары.
У нас на выбор есть следующие программы:
Спа для двоих - Романинтический Спа хаммам + массаж на кокосовом масле.
Спа для двоих шоколодное - шоколадное обертывание и шоколадный массаж

Спа для двоих в спа комнате - кокон пилинг + спа массаж
Вип спа программа для двоих - LOVE IS...
Малазийское Спа для двоих - это спа для пары на теплом кокосовом масле.
Спа для двоих в Киеве, в центре на Печерске - это наш салон Rakuena Spa club/

Ждем вас на спа программе спа для двоих на любой вкус. Яркие теплые эмоции любви ждут вас!
Спа для двоих - отличный подарок на день святого Валентина!
Купить подарочный сертификат на спа для двоих можно в нашем салоне с 10.00 дл 20.00. Подарочный сертификат спа салон киев находится на Маккейна 20.